Fallout 4 steam key from hard copy
Fallout 4 steam key from hard copy

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Today her Steam account had been disabled.

fallout 4 steam key from hard copy

She opened a ticket to see what happened. So, Steam decided to give her a refund and revoke the gift. The credit should appear in your account within several business days. "We have refunded your purchase of the items listed below. We then checked her Steam account and saw the following message: There were plenty of funds in the account to cover it. She checked her bank account, the payment went through any problems. Later that day, we were playing some Trine 2 together, and after exiting the game I saw a notice from Steam support that Fallout 4 had been removed from my account. The cake isn't a lie and Fallout 4 is real too - best birthday ever!

fallout 4 steam key from hard copy

Gaming theme cake and a copy of Fallout 4. It started out as the best birthday ever. That way she would also be able to send it as a Steam gift to me on my birthday, instead of waiting for a copy to arrive in November. She knows that I like having all my games on Steam (she probably remembers my disappointment that time I by mistake purchased a copy of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon for Uplay instead of Steam when Humble Bundle had a sale), and to be 100% sure I got a Steam copy, instead of pre-ordering the game through a physical game store, she went the extra mile and got a Steam account, downloaded the client and purchased the game through it. So, yesterday was my birthday, and my girlfriend decided to give me a copy of Fallout 4 on Steam. I've been a Steam user for several years, and followed quite a few Steam/gaming related discussions here on Reddit, but never had anything interesting to post until now.

Fallout 4 steam key from hard copy